Monday, September 1, 2008

the day of labes...

days off...
smells of friends congregating over a barbecue...
incense burning in the background...
noise of people bustling with their bags full of fresh produce from the farmers market...
listening to the faint conversations of peter and joey in the courtyard...
tastes of the pinot grigio and
anticipation for the garlic marinated corn on the cob.
relaxation and certainty.
breath of simplicity and pleasure.
all is well.
well with my soul.


noah! said...

that's funny i was going to title my post today "labe day" but then i thought that sounded kind of gross. is it just me? i don't know.

Joel said...

Livin' the life. Livin' the dream. I spent Labor Day working.

d. vanheule said...

geez i need to move up there i think. it's the new gay (previously the new black)

amy coverdale said...

*sigh*.... your posts keep making me super jealous. is it summer of 2009 yet? cuz i'm ready to move up there... glad to hear things are still well!

J Piacentini said...

hell ya

day of labes