Friday, September 26, 2008


so i have officially run out of steam.
this week was a rough one for me.
for those of you who don't know i ended up having to go to the er.
i wished rosie was my nurse.
instead it was a dr. richard toy-which peter found amazing.
i went for excruciating back pain that turned into abdominal pains that turned into me puking my guts out.
i felt dumb going.
i thought for sure i was going to have an outrageous bill only so that they could tell me, 'take some vicaden'.
they found out i had a gall bladder full of stones, one of them which was 1 in...
not gonna pass that one.
they said its not genetic...
my mom had hers removed last year, and had her first 'attack' at my same age (creepy).
my grandma had hers removed and had attacks every month for years.
and my great grandma came close to death when hers exploded from too many stones!
are you sure it's not genetic?
im fine now. just really weak and no energy.
super frustrated with the whole no-insurance thing.
it is so backwards-either we need to make a lot less and we will be covered by the state, or we can work our tails off and still not have enough to cover our monthly insurance fee... not to mention, it would still be a whole lot in co-pays, prescriptions, and a 500 charge for surgery.
they said i will eventually need surgery.
these attacks can keep happening...
the surgery is only $19,000!
the good thing is though that you can't be sent to collections over hospital bills...
is it weird that i was actually relieved to hear the pain was something?
i am so used to friends and family coming back from the hospital with a big bill and without any further steps to take.
at least i know all that pain was caused from something...right?


Kim said...

Oh Lauren, it makes my heart sad to hear that you are in pain and that you had to go to the ER.

All those issues you mentioned are so real and frustrating and scary. Maybe Peter can read up on it and you can do it at home. Seriously, I will be keeping you in my prayers and the whole insurance situation. Keep resting, OK?

Love ya-

Kelly said...

oh bummer, sorry you have gallstones.
I remember learning in human bio that many people have gallstones, just not all people pass them.

Maybe I made that up, but it sounds like something I learned. still, they're no fun. Hope you get all better very soon.

rosie said...

Pain is the fifth vital sign...that is our montra in nursing school. Pain is your body tellin you something. I wish I could be there Lauren! I'm going to go through my books this weekend and so some research for you. What is your email address my dear.

amy coverdale said...

lauren honey, i'm so sorry to read this... jeremy and i will definitely be praying for you. i understand about the whole insurance thing.. i have insurance, jeremy doesn't. hhmm. it's kind of hard paying 45 bucks every pay check..but it's nice to know whenever i'm sick i can go to the doctor and only pay 35 bucks. i don't know.. it's a hard thing to think about; but we will definitely be praying for you honey. love you

The Hendriks Three said...

wow lauren. that really sucks. especially being in a new city without the comforts of home and your old support system. we love you and would have brought you dinner if you (and we) were still in redding. consider this your virtual "hope you feel better" meal. ;) let us know if there is anything specific that we can be praying for other than your pain and miraculous healing.

Joel said...

Are they sure you aren't pregnant? Hope you're feeling better. Praying for you guys.