Thursday, January 29, 2009

weird little girl...

ok, what i am about to say may make me sound like a lunatic, but i have to explain these interactions that keep repeating themselves. and at the end of it, i would love if someone would tell me that i am not crazy, and that someone else knows what i am talking about.

there is a certain type of parent(s) that are in charge of this certain type of child, usually a girl, who drive me up the wall.
these parents are usually older, seemingly older to have a child this young.
the child is usually around 8 to 12.
but speaks far more eloquently then one would expect.
'implying' the greater intelligence of this certain child.
usually the child is participating in some unruly action; climbing on merchandise in a shopping center, sitting in a grocery cart and noisily banging, trying to run but still holding their mothers hand creating their parent to follow them around... or even sitting in the middle of the aisle or store so everyone has to walk around them....
and these parents let their 'intelligent' children speak however and whenever - no matter how awkward the conversation is getting.
and this may be totally out of line...
but because these children have said rude and inappropriate things to me i will speak my mind...
i feel that these parents feel that they are so lucky to have a chance at parenting... and even more lucky to have such a gifted child (damn those gate kids) that they think...
 'oh how cute, my child is so curiously brave to talk to a stranger this way- nice going for thinking outside the box, honey! yes, its fine to cross this strangers social boundaries, after all they set them there, don't conform to their norms'
well i have news for you "oh so lucky parents"...
your kid is weird and will always be weird and just because they know about space time continuums does not mean that they can talk to me.
your kid is not cute and is usually dressed funny with uncombed hair and it does not look 'creative' it looks WIERD! 

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

addicted to...

jadiohead: a mash up of jay z and radiohead!
(i think thats how you spell it).
a big thank you to 'the brothers'.
i have had it playing in my car for 2 weeks now.
christian; if your not already- you should listen to it. it made me think of you.
and amy if you like the new kanye you will like this.

sub question: how come very time you see jay z pictured he is in a yacht?

california is missed for more reasons then one

dear garlic; gilroy has you all beat. i have noticed that when buying garlic up here it is not nearly as fresh. it usually has those green things growing out of it already. boo. and all produce for that matter is also not as fresh or abundant. we live next to safeway and so thats where we do a majority of our shopping and no matter what dish i am making there is usually one of the fresh ingredents missing? who ever thought that safeway would have a few days that they don't have cilantro... or a red onion. and then it hit me! i have grown up in an agricultural phenomenon my whole life. i could get whatever, whenever i needed it. (food maxx is the exception). 

Saturday, January 17, 2009

tis time

a new year has begun with a renewed motivation. i started a new job this last week and boy is it exhausting. my exhaustion is more of a sigh of relief, then anything else. i have been waiting to start this job for the last 2 months and its finally here. i am taking care of a 6 month old, monday through thursday, 10 hours a day (give or take). and on fridays and saturdays i decided to keep my boutique job. so i apologize if i start talking too much about that special someone in my life... the baby of course.
we spend our days walking around the most extreme hills, going to book babies, and having coffee dates. he's basically my boyfriend. and pretty damn cute to boot. it is pretty crazy to think that i am starting before he knows how to sit up, and by this time he will be running around and talking! it's only been 2 weeks and already i am finding myself thinking about him on my days off. but i guess thats what its like with any job...
i am loving having a more reliable financial situation and it's so nice to have that hope that we will now be able to get the things we have been holding out for, a dining room table, oregon license and registration, and school costs. and i will never EVER underestimate the ability to pay bills on time. it is so nice to pay what you need to by the deadline. since we moved here, we have had a hell of a time making it all add up. at the same time am i crazy when i say that there is something to financial burden? anyways thats another blog in itself...
we had a great new years week in cali visiting the agudo's and the blacks. it included many a mexican meal, horseback riding in which my sister got bucked off...don't worry she's ok, so you can laugh... and a relaxing time in the beautiful sierras with db deluxe!
all in all i will have a busy year between the 2 jobs and starting night/weekend school. but i have nothing but one life to live and i am doing all i can too live it. on my list to do next before i am 30 i need to get a full sleeve... lots of ideas but no funds. hopefully a year from now i will be posting some pics with some proof to show i am on my way to that goal...