Sunday, August 24, 2008

sunday not to be confused with sundae

there is something about sundays that makes me sigh.
sigh with relief.
sigh with exhaustion.
sigh with sweet breathe.
sigh out of thankfulness.
i love sundays.
i was raised waking up and going to church EVERY sunday, no matter if i wanted to or not. my parents gave me no choice. and as much as i hated it at the time, i owe them big. no matter the theological struggle i am ever going through, i have chosen to be a part of church. most of them time i lose complete faith in the church itself. how many people we turn away, how we spend our money (the biggest issue i have), and who we are and what we do. in the midst of this confusion i do know one thing.
i can sit around and complain about how irrelevant the church is and decide that my faith in the Lord stands alone without the corrupt institution or i can choose to participate in the corrupt institution and try and seek out the true intention with other fallen people. 

all this to say, sundays are an ending for me. for some reason my brain needs to experience a sunday to chapter off a period of time that has passed. it gives me a time to reflect and begin. 
a bad week, sunday brings closure.
a good week, sunday brings thanksgiving.
a melancholy week, sunday brings contemplation.



Kim said...

loved the blog today. I too was "forced" to go to church and am so glad for the spiritual discipline that it brings to my life. I also love the thought of the first day of the week being a breath of new in our chaotic lives. Beginning a seven day time frame and remembering who and what are really important.

d. vanheule said...

you are very wise lauren. good words friend