Wednesday, August 13, 2008

hot hot heat

i am done with this heat in redding.
it is 10:06 pm and it still reads 98!!!
the last four days i have eaten just one meal a day, only because it's so hot you don't even want to prepare a meal. however i have eaten more ice cream then one should be able. and boy have we gotten creative with how many ways you can consume ice-cream:
ice-cream sundaes
ice-cream sandwiches
fudge pops
frozen fruit bars
no lie, this is all we eat!
this is one thing that i will not miss about redding. not one bit. nothing you could convince me is good about heat.
you say lakes, i say floating trash.
you say tan, i say cancer.
you say picnic, i say ant bites.
even when i think about the opportunity to have an iced coffee, i think about the non-chance of a delicious perfectly rich foamy (hot) latte. 
and i don't know if you would agree with me ladies, but there is a lot more that can be done with a wardrobe in the cooler months.
 i am also pretty sure that God spends his summers in Monterey or Carmel.


noah! said...

yeah, i know what you mean. if i didn't spend the first 23 summers of my life in that hellish hot weather i'd probably never come to redding in the summer. as it is, i just deal with it. and i take my shirt off when i drive anywhere if its over 105 because nobody likes a sweaty back. now i'm just ranting.

also, thanks for adding me to the list. makes me feel good. gonna miss you guys.

Curtis said...

Are you sure he God doesn't spend his Summers in Palm Springs?

Nate said...

Southern california is home to me. it may not always be, but I think it's where i need to be right now.