Sunday, July 27, 2008


If you are what you eat, are you what you read as well? The Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne has really brought to light some issues that I went through a few years ago. (a side note: this book IS worth all the hype, yes it is worth reading, and although I do agree with 99% of what he is saying, there is still that 1%) Within this last week I have been thinking about Christians and money. Now this may sound offensive, but bare with me as I am still working this out in my mind. Is it Biblical to try and make a lot of money in life? Is it right to be a millionaire? And even when you are giving away some, should one person (or family) sit on so much?

In this book he talks about 80% of the worlds money is distributed among 20% of the population. Which means the other 20% of the worlds money is left for 80% of the population. I read this statistic about a month ago, and now I find that when I am walking through a book store the sight of those "How to be a Millionaire" books make me cringe. And more then that the "How to be a Millionaire God's Way". I don't know about anyone else, but I am not so sure that is necessarily God's Way. And I know, I know, I am stepping on a lot of peoples toes when I say this. But... join with me as I struggle through this out in the open. 

To put it simply, I just don't think there is enough money in this world to have some people be millionaire God's way. Now, I realize that there needs to be those of us who are gifted financially who run the businesses that I buy my groceries at. And there are those who are blessed financially and give "X" amount to the church every month. But if all those who attend church really gave their 10% then we could still exist even if we didn't have anyone in the church who made millions... 

At this point I am not saying it is wrong for Christians to make millions. I am just struggling through the facts of poverty. I realize that there is a financial class that a lot of friends of mine are partaking in right now. And for the most part from what I heard it makes perfect sense; debt is bad and save for what you want. But I do not connect the whole saving to make millions "God's way". In my utopian world of heaven on earth... it just doesn't do it for me. There is only so much money in this world, so when one person has a big chunk doesn't that mean that some are without? 

Let me know where I am wrong here... I would love to discuss this.


Anonymous said...

look at yoU!!! lil miss blogger.

good word by the way...! welp... see yah!


Nate said...

what are you a commi?