Tuesday, July 29, 2008

dear redding pt.1

Although I am over-excited to be going to Portland this week. I want to take the time and reflect on the Redding that I have loved over the last 6 years. Sometimes when I am gearing up for a big change I begin to become anxious for the change to happen already and then a bitterness fills my thoughts about the current situation- that being Redding right now. And that is one thing I do not want to do. Redding has provided so many blessings that there is no way I can possible recount them all. 
I came here to go to college, and YES I hated Simpson at first, and YES I thought that Redding was a ridiculously small minded white conservative over churched town. And then 6 months later I fell in love with more then one element of Redding. And YES that did include my husband. But so much more then that. I learned to love how small Redding was and every time I went to a coffee shop they remembered my name. Redding was able to open my mind and grade this city with value of people that there was in this world rather then the amount of 'things-to-do'. My time was consumed with conversation and community rather then a list of what I need to do in my day. Which by the way totally wreck's any and all plans for your day- but oh how it is worth it. 
Simpson was made up of overqualified professors who deserve so much more then to spend time on students like me. It is because of them that I made it through college. I went to school with a passion for psychology and to understand this world a little more. And I left with only more unanswered questions. But with those four years of blood, sweat and tears I can honestly say that I have a better world view. Dr. Slane gave me a love for theology, and the confidence I needed to stand for my theology. Dr. Liebscher was an unforgettable mentor and believed in my struggles when I thought they were completely irrelevant. Professor Hamilton-Slane intimitaded me to my core. And with her guidance I was able to see the possibilities of my power. Thank you Simpson.
To be continued...

1 comment:

Kim said...

I liked your reflections in this blog. It is good to try and see the positive things even when things are looking bleak. Good life lesson! I hope that the apartment works out and the perfect job gets offered to you. Can't wait to hear. Sorry you will miss Preston's 4th annual birthday lunch at Upper Crust on Sunday. He will be sad you aren't there.