Monday, November 3, 2008

i forgot to add...

(read last blog first)
i was going to indulge you all in who i voted for...
just because i am an honest person.
it was obama.

i know this will offend all of a 3 people who read my blog.
other then that...most people i have talked to made that same decision.



noah! said...

interesting, i really tagged you for a nader type of person.

no, i am joking.

Steve, Karen, Delaney, & Jude Dunlap said...

I'm not one bit offended and I am voting just like you are. So count me in as a blog follower who didn't get her feelings hurt.
Steve and I had our ultrasound today and it looks like we're having a baby girl. Hooray!
Miss you guys!

Kim said...

Well so far 3 people have commented and you haven't offended any. Maybe your count was off. :-)

Seriously, it is great that you made the effort to vote and be as thoughtful as possible!

Allison said...

yep...super offended. I've decided not to even vote now tomorrow. no, I'm still going back and forth on some issues before I vote tomorrow. So, cross your fingers I don't f$%# up California and the good ol' USA. You should know reading "into the wild" makes me yearn for the days when you and i lived in smoketree and only had a coffee table and bike in the living room. good times.

Joel said...

voting is for nerds

zach harrison said...

baby killer