Saturday, January 17, 2009

tis time

a new year has begun with a renewed motivation. i started a new job this last week and boy is it exhausting. my exhaustion is more of a sigh of relief, then anything else. i have been waiting to start this job for the last 2 months and its finally here. i am taking care of a 6 month old, monday through thursday, 10 hours a day (give or take). and on fridays and saturdays i decided to keep my boutique job. so i apologize if i start talking too much about that special someone in my life... the baby of course.
we spend our days walking around the most extreme hills, going to book babies, and having coffee dates. he's basically my boyfriend. and pretty damn cute to boot. it is pretty crazy to think that i am starting before he knows how to sit up, and by this time he will be running around and talking! it's only been 2 weeks and already i am finding myself thinking about him on my days off. but i guess thats what its like with any job...
i am loving having a more reliable financial situation and it's so nice to have that hope that we will now be able to get the things we have been holding out for, a dining room table, oregon license and registration, and school costs. and i will never EVER underestimate the ability to pay bills on time. it is so nice to pay what you need to by the deadline. since we moved here, we have had a hell of a time making it all add up. at the same time am i crazy when i say that there is something to financial burden? anyways thats another blog in itself...
we had a great new years week in cali visiting the agudo's and the blacks. it included many a mexican meal, horseback riding in which my sister got bucked off...don't worry she's ok, so you can laugh... and a relaxing time in the beautiful sierras with db deluxe!
all in all i will have a busy year between the 2 jobs and starting night/weekend school. but i have nothing but one life to live and i am doing all i can too live it. on my list to do next before i am 30 i need to get a full sleeve... lots of ideas but no funds. hopefully a year from now i will be posting some pics with some proof to show i am on my way to that goal...


amy coverdale said...

aw lauren, I bet you're the best nanny ever. Maybe this will be good for you and help you get over your pregnant-fears:) Glad to hear that things are really starting to come together up there for you guys! Jeremy and I miss you and love you!!

scott J tyler said...

Yes, it is exhausting. Now just imagine having him 24 hours a day solely in your care. Now, that's exhausting.....but wonderful. :) So glad that your enjoying it. I wish I had friends here who didn't work during the day to go to coffee. Bummer!

scott J tyler said...

Oops, that was me, Lindsey, commenting. Not Scott.

Kim said...

Wow! You are one busy girlie! Congratulations on the new job. I was really glad to read your post and hear all that has been happening with you and Peter!