and it is at my store. which translates to... too expensive. but everyday i work i still slip it on and wear it. for those 30 seconds i imagine that i am the new owner of this glorious coat! it has all aspects of a trench that i want. a removable hood. a synched waist. made out of water resistant fibers. deep pockets. and of course a one of a kind design.
well today was payday and i waltz in the store, pickup my check and glance at wear the jacket should have been...alas, someone had found my secret treasure! i couldn't help but be a little sad, but all along i knew i could never afford such a piece. yes it was the dream jacket. but nothing was going to stop me from finding a replacement for that special trench.
today was my day off so while doing laundry with peter i mentioned that i was going to deposit my check and continue on the search at buffalo and crossroads. maybe, just maybe i could pick up a once loved rain jacket that i could also love.
me: hey i think im going to keep looking at the buy sell trades.
peter: this is your birthday month, maybe you should be patient and use your birthday money.
me: well, its just that its already raining... and, i wouldn't spend more then 40...
peter: just be patient...
me: you know that jackets are a big deal to me...
peter: gosh dangit, the reason why that jacket was gone is cause i bought it for you. i wanted it to be a surprise for once because you always pick out your own jackets... (cracking up) but you are just so damn persistent.
me: im such a jerk. i am so sorry. (cracking up) i am probably the most ambitious shopper i know. (reality sets in) I GOT THE JACKET!!!!
every year, it never fails. i ruin my own surprise.
thank you peter. you are more then i deserve. i will always love you.
oh, I just love the Blacks. This story made my heart so happy. Thank you!
Your hubby is pretty sweet. Way to go P black!
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