Monday, March 16, 2009

window gazing

drops weigh the branch into a doe-si-do
and i sigh with the knowledge of my ignorance
too many days have been set with my stagnation
i know i need to...
say something...
but no words will be thought aloud without the Source.
and that is where i fall short.
how do i expect to speak while being so far removed from the Voice.
i do it to myself.
i hoard the silence instead of sharing the room with Him.
how does someone so lowly forget my place time and time again?
as if my priorities are of more value then the lost souls needing redirection...
ah ha
it is me who needs that redirection.
who will find me and point me too the Way?

someone who has chosen to share the room with Him.
they have spent time with the Source and listened to the Voice.

she found me again and i asked for the Way.

off i go...